February Connections
This winter, I have been reflecting on the importance of connections and collaboration with other nurses. Consider that feeling when talking with another hospice and palliative nurse. I often think, "They GET it – what a relief!" Our colleagues understand our work's joys, beauty, and challenges better than anyone. As a Chapter, we have these connections with other members. The beauty of palliative care is that all nurses are palliative nurses. In all specialties, nurses work to relieve suffering by supporting patients and their families. Do you know a nurse who needs this encouragement?
Knowing that all nurses are palliative nurses energizes me as I consider the San Francisco Bay Area Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association. By connecting as a Chapter, we can also better engage our communities, workplaces, and all healthcare professionals. This was a primary takeaway from our recent 2023 Member Engagement Survey.
Watch your inbox for the launch of our new quarterly newsletter! It will highlight:
- Chapter News and Updates
- Upcoming Educational events
- Informal ways to connect and engage as a Chapter
- Creative arts, poetry, and writing (and chances to contribute!)
- Leadership and Service Opportunities
Are you seeking opportunities for connection and collaboration with Chapter members? Here are some initial ways to plug yourself in:
- Make sure to follow our chapter on social media!
Follow the NEW LinkedIn page: SFBA HPNA LinkedIn Page
Join the NEW Member LinkedIn Group: LinkedIn Member Group
Follow the SFBA HPNA Facebook page: SFBA HPNA Facebook Page
- Do you enjoy spreading the word that all nurses are palliative nurses? We have opportunities for Community Outreach volunteers.
- Do you love education? Volunteer to help plan Chapter Programming and Educational Events.
- Do you love technology? Volunteer to help the Chapter with communication and social media presence.
REACH OUT for more information and we would love to plug you in!
For myself, I am enjoying connecting with the Chapter - and look forward to more. Here’s to the future!
Rebecca V. Hoden, DNP, RN, CHPN